Wednesday, March 17, 2010

I Survived a Slurpy Attack

Let's recap what you've missed in my life, since I last posted something.
1. I'm getting a splint retainer thing for my jaw.
2. I've had a lot of freakin' homework, and it sucks.
3. I love dancing--6 days a week.
4. I survived that slurpy attack. (It was very traumatizing.)
5. Some 7th graders think I'm a creeper. (And I'm not explaining that one...)
6. I had a weird St. Patricks Day....
But I will explain St. Patricks Day. I wish I had a camera at school today. It was really cool to see how many shades of green were in the hallway. It was the most amazing thing, I think I've ever seen. With so many students at our school, the hallways are like sardine cans. Although that may be, it was really spectacular to see the many greens in the hallway. And now I've got to do all my AP/honors homework that I've been procrastinating. And I said sorry to those 7th graders....because I yelled at them, and I felt bad...

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