Sometimes things happen that you can't control. And lately unexpected things have happened. But although unexpected, they happened for a reason. The trials in the last 5 months have been hard. First, I leave everything I know and love-my home, Japan.Second, when I do find something to get me through, it ends. And third I have the hardest time finding friends. I think I've taken so many things for granted. My family, my friends, and the Lord. You can get so caught up in your own perfect life, that it makes it so hard to leave. The kids at my school don't seem to understand, but I know someone else does. My Heavenly Father, and my Prince of Peace. Jesus Christ suffered so much more than anyone else has, and many people forget that, including me. But to make you feel even more ungrateful, you are blessed once again, by God. I was given Choraliers, which has given me a chance to make some friends. Being blessed like that tells me I should never have doubts that God and Jesus Christ love me and know me personally. I also have the love of a wonderful family. My family is the best, and are extremely important to me.
These things have happened to me for an important purpose. God has a plan for everyone.
Just some thoughts,